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Visiting Egypt in cheapest price

          Want to visit Egypt in a cheapest price? you can do it but don't listen to the trick that says  Egypt is a tourist trap, this is a trick from the media of some countries because they knew that Egypt is one of  the wonderful countries all over the world  which made any tourist think about it first to visit, So they say a bad reputation about Egypt to convert  tourists to visit their countries in stead of travel to Egypt and  the funny thing that the  majority of people who say fake things about Egypt they are the most people enjoying visiting it.

Actually if you want to enjoy your trip get ride of the fake talking, Then take your turn to travel to Egypt where you will  find many attractive and different  places waiting you  to visit like pyramids, and other Egyptian's ancient temples such as Abo Simbil ,Atishbsot, elephants temple,El Karanak and much much more ,also there are many amazing natural places such as  sharm el shake ,Marsya Alam, Alexandria , Hurghada, Taba, El sahel El-Shmally in Alexandria  not just that you will find more fantastic places, I'll show you the trick you can do to visit Egypt by cheapest price.

At first glance you should know that you just need a little money to enjoy
visiting Egypt, Some one will ask how? By following a little step you can do it.

The first step you change your currency if you have just 1000$ and covert it to
Egyptian pound you will have 18,000 L.E. because the value of the pound is too low comparing with dollar ,if you doubt you can check by yourself and  to prove my point  search instantly  for the value of the Egyptian pound now a day through the internet even you will shuck if you knew that from last days ago you can change the  one Dollar by 19 Egyptian pound but the value increase little bite, So go on travel to Egypt quickly before the value of the Egyptian pound increase again and be sure with a few dollars you become rich  in this country. I hear some one says that the products are very expensive; ok I am going to answer you in the second step.

Second step you must pretend that you not foreign, treats like you knew everything like any citizen live inside Egypt, because some seller and this happening in other countries not only in Egypt when they notice that your are a tourist he will double the price and of course when you show him that you always visiting Egypt and you are an old tourist, you will take the product in the real price.

Third step when you want to buy something especially if you need a lot of products going to big markets I mean Hyper Market such as Carrfour it has branches in every place in Egypt ,Metro Market and Hyper one the same thing. These places you can trust in it, because they show the prices of the products for all people, however the customer Egyptian or not and if the prices changes the same thing they will put the new price for all people no seller in side these places can tricks you and if this happen you can complain from him to the manger there.  

fourth step involved with the Egyptian culture means try to learn just some little words in Arabic and not give your ears to anyone says it very difficult, so don't forget that anything in the world begin need to try at first you feel nervous because you not familiar with new language, but after that you will confidence and I going to give you the important vocabulary  like Salam Aleko  means hi and the great thing in this words that you can use it ,if you want to tell hi or bye   (Salam Aleko)it's very famous and common word rarely of the tourist who can say it because of that it's your chance to say (Salam Aleko) to any seller or any person to recognize that you are visiting Egypt a lot and he can't tricks you in anything, also word (La) means no , word (Mashy ) have two uses the first means yes , the second means you will go to some where. If you want more words details and the easy way to learn it fast I will show you in the next article.

Fifth step make a plan to your journey to not consume more than your budget in the trip  and it's very easy to do that .You can get the maps of Egypt from the internet to put  schedule or plan  to your trip  to determined the first point you will start till the end point where you leave and this way is very useful instead of  start the  trip and leave your self to the waves confused you , day visit pyramids for example next day travel to Aswan then go back to visit Egyptian Museum in Cairo  then  go to Alexandria Library in Alexandria means travel again by this way you destroy the trip and your money in the same way ,in addition you can't enjoy, So remember always not 
leave place before you visit all the attractive places on it.
 If you are in Cairo go to visit pyramids in Giza which inside Cairo after that visit Egyptian Museum next you can visit all the Holly places in Cairo such as The Hanging Church is one of the oldest churches in Egypt and the history of a church on this site dates to the 3rd century also you may visit, The Coptic Museum is a museum in Coptic Cairo, Egypt with the largest collection of Egyptian Christian artifacts in the world.

Next you can visit EBN Ezra synagogue whose found genzia or store-room was found in 19th century to contain a treasure, abandoned Hebrew, Aramaic Judeo-Arabic secular and sacred manuscripts. Also there is another very famous Holly places like Amr EBN El As Mosque which is the first and oldest mosque ever built on the land of Egypt, then don't forget to visit Mohammad Ali Mosque is one of the touristic landmark on Egypt , who was the founder of the dynasty that ruled Egypt for almost 150 years ,and Mosque of IBN Tulun and other amazing places , I need millions of words to tell you all of it and explain how it is fantastic.  You need long trip or visits Egypt more than one time to d all its wonderful places and don't forget in cheapest price.

On the other hand I will write soon an articles and put two different plans to enjoy visiting Egypt in a good price to not confuse.

The last step before you travel to Egypt try to make a Egyptian friend through the internet to be your guide inside Egypt or you can hire him or her, because the price will be cheapest than you choose a guide or Operator from tourist Company, anyway if you give him just 5$ a day and remember the value of the Egyptian pound very low, this guide will be satisfied or you can email me to send you a guide take only 3$ a day, but don't forget at the beginning when you exchange your dollars to pound leave a few of dollars to your guide.

Before I end the article ,we should talking about transportation if you want to ride a taxi in side Cairo ,Giza there are  two Companies you can try to go to any place in a best price without tricks the first one named Karem Company and the second called uber Company ,The services of the companies easy to use just  download an application of the service in your mobile phone and send a request to send for the nearest taxi driver  and he will help you to move to any place, This way is very safety transportation  with a best price and if any driver make anything wrong with you complain him to the company, That's not all the services, I can pick up for you  a list with of the best drivers in addition to these two companies you can treat with them, If you wish leave a comment. Finally try these steps, have a nice journey and if you want an easy way to learn some words in Arabic waiting to the next essay.

Written by Mennat bent Mohammed


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