We will put between your hands second plan which you can from it make third plan and fourth plan, so we give you the seat as an example and you draw your schedule with your pen as you like. Remember in the last article (The plan to visit Egypt in a cheapest price) we put draw the plan that you can used for when your aeroplane land in Cairo first, then normally you begin the trip from Cairo but if you land in Marsya Allam or Aswan or however any place, you will start from the place you reach to it . In this article we will guess you land in Aswan first, then so shouldn't go to Cairo before you begin to visit all the amazing places in Aswan . we talking about the amazing places in the previous article (The plan to visit Egypt in a cheapest price)but no problem to give quick mention in this article for whose doesn't read the previous article. First of all you should know that Aswan is a gre...